Sunday, May 16, 2010


and the frustration sets in. I literally have nothing that I am obligated to do, which is usually how I function. With a list of tasks to complete, things to accomplish and places to be. But alas it is summertime and I have forgotten how to live this life. I have an urge to create, something that is not photography related. These endeavors are usually anxiety making as I do not accomplish what I set forth to do. The brain and hand do not come together to produce what I envisioned in my head. With photography they meet sometimes. This pass semester I made images that were exactly as I saw them in my head. I have come to love the 4x5 camera, but do not own one. So I have made a list of things I would like to do, unrelated to my first love:
1. Create music-sing?! oh my.
2. Write a song, or a poem, short story. something anything.
3. Read books, the first one being Just Kids
4. Make a Zine
I am obviously excited about these things, but I am missing an entry point, a focus. Photography related I will create a website, and compile a cohesive body of work for said website.

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