Hello, hello! I have returned to the world of blogging! I have been m.i.a. for so long that I don't know where to start. Let's see, what have I been up to? Well I just about lost my mind towards the end of this semester. ok, rewind. I DID loose my mind at the end of the semester. I didn't blog, return phone calls, see my children, or sleep. This was the toughest semester of my life. That being said, it was the first semester that I received all A's, no minuses at all, woohoo. Truthfully, I am in awe of myself a little bit, like did that really happen?? Although I learned and grew more than any previous semester, I resisted and became annoyed at assignments, believing that my personal growth was worth much more than sharing it for a grade. Somehow I pushed through and believe my grades are a result of hard work, a weeping heart, my personality, and smile. haha.
Anyway, this year was the first year that my family didn't celebrate Christmas and instead celebrated Kwanzaa, what a marvelous idea it was! We walked away from holiday consumerism and instead focused on the principles of Kwanzaa.

During Kwanzaa we spent a lot of time reflecting on life, other people, the past, and the present. We remembered those who we have lost that impacted our lives and shared ways to uplift ourselves. Many of our friends joined in the festivities, visiting us when we lit our nightly Kwanzaa candle-which made it extra special. Thank you- we LOVE you!
I ended up making some gifts, I would call them shadow boxes or shines. Call them what you may, I love making them! The smaller ones are the most fun to make and I love GLITTER.

I think I should make one for myself!!
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