This year I traded hippies for hipsters and attended HARD FEST NYC instead of The Finger Lake Grassroots Festival. I have been attending said festival since I was in the 8th grade, without skipping a beat (does the summer we got kicked out count?) but this year I decided something had to give when I heard M_I_A was playing Hard Fest. So I made the plan to trek to Governor's Island for a day of fun, instead of three days of muddy camping and the sweet smell of pachouli in the air! Not that there weren't any similarities between the two such as dancing, minimal clothing, alcohol, and MUSIC of course. After some hassling by the fabulous lady at the door (hey, Jou ma se poes in 'n fishpaste jar!!) and almost not getting in-I made it with my camera and all.
I rolled with Ricardo, Randi, Tito, and then met up with Gilah and Chanel. Yes I did a bit of camera stalking:

Whilst I wasn't busy bothering the people I love, I had to document some of the shenanigans going on. Hipsters were out and in full effect and the mood was happy as people waited, drank, danced and almost got bucket naked:

What I came to see was M_I_A, no doubt about it. I can admit I have a crush on her-there I said it. I am not one to be impressed by celebrities but she just does it to me- in an intellectual, fuck you, super tacky, musical sorta way. I was also hyped for Die Antwoord as I have been sweating them for weeks, months now, not even becoming disappointed when I found out they were a performance piece. You just can't fuck with the new ZEF ninja flow, ya know? Rye Rye and Ninjasonik were a little lower on my list-but I super excited to see them too. hheeeerreee we go:::::

Die Antwoord

Rye Rye


When it was all said and done. When I was safe from lighting at 4am on a blow-up mattress in New Jersey, I had sweet dreams of Die Antwoord. They were amazing-energetic, right on point and had me jumping, rapping, and fist POMPIMG throughout their set. ZEF 4 LIFE. M_I_A on the other hand had me leaving on her like third song. The sound was bad, it was raining and her outfit wasn't even fantastical. I was pissed at first but simmered down as trekked back to the ferry in a pepto bismol pink poncho with a few hundred hipsters in tow. Rye Rye is the cutest thing ever and boy can she shake it to the ground. Ninjasonik suprised me-their set was sssoo much fun. While I have listened to them against my will everyday (thanks Ricardo) while denying their awesomeness- this I can admit now. They just don't give a fuck. and ooo I like dat.
over and out.